
This is a Node.js mono-repo containing the front- and back-end code for the platform and a set of utility packages under the @flit scope.



The web front-end is built using SvelteKit and can be found in the apps directory. It is hosted statically trough an S3 Bucket and since the backend endpoints are dynamically allocated and named at build time they cant be statically referenced in the backend code, but are accessed trough files generated during deployment.


All of the back-end is defined in AWS CDK and can be found in the apps directory.


This repository comes with a collection of utility packages under the @flit scope that can be found in the packages/@flit directory. The packages contained are:



All run, test and build related functions in this repository use Node.js and npm so make sure you have the latest version of both set up on your machine.

Make sure you have the pre-commit framework installed on you machine and have it set up for this project by running the following command in the repositories root directory:

pre-commit install


After setting up all requirements run the following command in the root directory to install the required dependencies:

npm install


This repository uses Turborepo as a Node.js development framework trough which you can run, test and build all of its components.

You can start a local development server for all or one of the front-end workspaces by running the following commands in the projects root directory:

npm start
npm start -- --filter=@jumper-de/web
npm start -- --filter=@flit/ui-web


To build the project run the following command in the repositories root directory:

npm run build


The deployment of this project is automated and will start as soon as a change is pushed to the origin/master. The build and deployment process can be monitored in the AWS Console.